My Knitter's Journal
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Decisions, Decisions
One of the projects I'm considering is lace curtains for the TV room. I have dark plum sheer (linen) curtains up now. I love the color, and they are great for winter, but I was thinking the other day it would be nice to have something light and lacey for the summer. That thought led to knitting them myself. Then I started counting the windows and estimating the knitting-- there are five very large slider windows. We're talking two probably 60 inch panels for each window -- that's 10 panels or 600 inches in width and about 48 inches in length for each!! That's 28,800 square inches of knitting!!! After doing the math, I quickly called my mother hoping she would talk me "off the ledge". She didn't!! She thought it was a great idea. Someone please talk some sense into me....I bought 10 balls of Knit Picks Palette in a Cream --- HELP!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I'm now working on another pair of socks using the rest of the Zauberball Crazy and a mitten with this lovely string Drops Delight. I found this on Pinterest. It's inexpensive and I love the colorway. I also bought it in the purple/green and olive/plum/rust mix - not too expensive and it feels pretty nice knit up. It has a nice soft hand. I'm making the Fiddlehead Mittens with it without the fiddlehead part. I wanted to see how the pattern knits up before I get into the colorwork. I also thought it would be a good way to see how the yarn drapes, etc. So far, I like it. I also learned the I-cord cast on which I have never done before. I immediately starting thinking about other items I could use this technique for.
Now for my crazy -- insane idea for a new project. I was sitting in my TV room on Sunday looking at the curtains I have hung. I like them because they are sheer enough to keep prying eyes out, though I can see the back yard, but they are dark plum. I was thinking it would be nice to have light linen colored lace panels up for the summer which lead to -- "wait -- I can knit lace now. Maybe I could knit the curtains. Wouldn't that be cool." Then I started counting the large windows -- this room was formally a closed in porch. Two of the four walls are all windows, and they are pretty large. I would need 10 panels of about 60 inches each to get the right drape - that is A LOT of lace knitting. I called my mother hoping she would be the voice of reason and talk me out of it. Instead she thought it was a great idea! For the last three days I've been trying to find the right yarn. Someone please talk some sense into me!!
Monday, April 2, 2012
I Think I'm Hooked

I'm now working on another scarf project - free pattern from Ravelry. I found the checkerboard design unique, and I have a sock yarn which I thought would look good. I would tell you the mfg, name and colorway of the yar, but it was in my stash already wound into a pull ball from a hank and Lord know where the label is. I must be getting old because I do not even remember winding it down. Anyway, I hope there is enough for this scarf otherwise I'm going to be in a world of trouble LOL.
I've been using lots of stash yarn lately which makes me happy because in January of 2010, after I cleaned up and organized the mess that was my knitting room (now my guest room), I vowed I would "cheeze" it on buying new yarn until I used up some of my stash. I have to say considering how much yarn I was buying back then, I'm proud of myself for the last 15 months. I have bought some yarn, but not for the stash. For the most part, I have only bought yarn that I knitted into a project right away. Even my sock yarn is down to the bottom of the bag -- the bag being the size under the largest Zip Lock you can buy - LOL.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Ah Spring...
Now for the knitting -- since starting that rainbow-colored wrap, which btw I must have dropped a stitch on because after I washed it, there is a big "ladder" in the middle of it. I don't really know how to fix it so I was thinking I would bring it to Knit Night and see if the ladies had any ideas. Anyway, I've been enthralled with knitting lace. I am currently working on a scarf from a new book I bought, "Wendy Knits Lace" which I really like. I'm using Knit Picks Stroll Handpainted in the Make Believe colorway. I really like this yarn. First, there's a lot of it. The hand is smooth and, I think, a good choice for lace items. The colors are variations of purple (my favorite), a fern green and turquoise. I was not sure I would like the turquoise, but I really do. I'll post a picture in my next blog post after it has been blocked.

I have been a little obsessed with socks lately too -- who am I kidding, I'm always obsessed with socks. They are the perfect warm weather knit. There's something about the small needles and small stitches too -- I can't articulate it but it just makes me feel happy. I'm working on this pair right now. It is Schoppel Wolle Zauberball Crazy sock yarn in the Red, Orange, Green, Blue colorway. I am half way through the second sock, and it looks to me like there is plenty for a second pair. This is good because my hair dresser saw me knitting them and charmed her way into getting them when they are finished. This happens to me a lot.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Socks - Toe Up, Two-at-a-Time, Magic Loop

Monday, February 13, 2012
Non-Fitted Knitting

I got this stitch from a prayer shawl pattern and made it wide scarf/wrap length. It is a simple 5 row repeat which forms a "V" with yarn overs. It will definitely need to be blocked.
Last night I got up to advance the laundry, and thought I thought I had secured the yarn well, Rocco figured out how to unfold, turn around and open my knitting bag and got to a newly wound cake of this yarn. It was pretty tightly wound, but he managed to pull it all apart in the 5 minutes I was gone from the room -- that little rascal! I spent an hour unraveling and un-knotting his handiwork. About an hour later, I got up to make dinner, moving my knitting to a table he can not reach, I came back to the same yarn all over the room again. I still can't figure out how he got to it that little Houdini. He's so cute when I tell him he was a bad boy, he so excited from just having the thrill of un-doing, he hangs his little head and looks up at me apologetically as if to say, "I know I was bad, and I'll try not to do it again, but you know I can't help myself". Love my little boy.
I'll post another picture when this one is blocked.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Aran Duffle Coat a.k.a. My Nemesis
A year later, I thought I would knit it for myself. I bought the yarn. At the time, I was at my heaviest. The thought of all that knitting was just too much. So I decided to wait. Ironically, last year, I was diagnosed with diabetes and a very under active thyroid. Ironic because it forced me to lose weight which I am still working on, but to date I have lost over 100 lbs. I have been planning to knit it since the summer. Much less knitting than it would have been two years ago -- or so I thought.
In my last post about it, I had just the button bands to finish. A few Sundays ago, I did just that. I was so excited about being able to wear it to work the next day. I tried it on and UGH...I hated the hood. It felt way too bulky, and I also realized I needed to make the button & button-hole bands wider. I knit this a little smaller figuring next winter it would fit perfectly. Making the bands wider would allow me to wear it for the remainder of this winter. Anyway, I was aggrivated, but still excited. Last Sunday, I took to it again. I removed and frogged the hood. I knit a nice roll collar. I widened the button bands. I put it on and boom, the bottom of it lays behind my hips because I figured out that there is too much decreasing at the top of the fronts so it sort of "falls" behind my legs at the bottom. I sat down to survey how I could fix this problem, and realized I would have to rip out the sleeves, and the fronts down enough so I could re-knit the front-tops. I was so upset, I threw it into the bottom of my closet and there it sits. So much for the Aran Duffle Coat.
I remembered I had a lacey scarf I started with Knit Picks Stroll but ran out of yarn. So I ordered the yarn and that is now my priority project. No fronts to deal with, no hoods, no aggrivation.
Thinking of all that frogging, I ordered this Simplicity Boye Electric Yarn Ball Winder (for some reason Blogger will not let me upload the image where I want to). I have been looking at this for about a year. The price was about $80. I wasn't willing to pay that, but I was willing to pay $55.82 especially after having to wind down 5 hanks of yarn the other night -- my hand and wrist were aching. Guess I'm getting old...