Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I'm now working on another pair of socks using the rest of the Zauberball Crazy and a mitten with this lovely string Drops Delight. I found this on Pinterest. It's inexpensive and I love the colorway. I also bought it in the purple/green and olive/plum/rust mix - not too expensive and it feels pretty nice knit up. It has a nice soft hand. I'm making the Fiddlehead Mittens with it without the fiddlehead part. I wanted to see how the pattern knits up before I get into the colorwork. I also thought it would be a good way to see how the yarn drapes, etc. So far, I like it. I also learned the I-cord cast on which I have never done before. I immediately starting thinking about other items I could use this technique for.
Now for my crazy -- insane idea for a new project. I was sitting in my TV room on Sunday looking at the curtains I have hung. I like them because they are sheer enough to keep prying eyes out, though I can see the back yard, but they are dark plum. I was thinking it would be nice to have light linen colored lace panels up for the summer which lead to -- "wait -- I can knit lace now. Maybe I could knit the curtains. Wouldn't that be cool." Then I started counting the large windows -- this room was formally a closed in porch. Two of the four walls are all windows, and they are pretty large. I would need 10 panels of about 60 inches each to get the right drape - that is A LOT of lace knitting. I called my mother hoping she would be the voice of reason and talk me out of it. Instead she thought it was a great idea! For the last three days I've been trying to find the right yarn. Someone please talk some sense into me!!
Monday, April 2, 2012
I Think I'm Hooked

I'm now working on another scarf project - free pattern from Ravelry. I found the checkerboard design unique, and I have a sock yarn which I thought would look good. I would tell you the mfg, name and colorway of the yar, but it was in my stash already wound into a pull ball from a hank and Lord know where the label is. I must be getting old because I do not even remember winding it down. Anyway, I hope there is enough for this scarf otherwise I'm going to be in a world of trouble LOL.
I've been using lots of stash yarn lately which makes me happy because in January of 2010, after I cleaned up and organized the mess that was my knitting room (now my guest room), I vowed I would "cheeze" it on buying new yarn until I used up some of my stash. I have to say considering how much yarn I was buying back then, I'm proud of myself for the last 15 months. I have bought some yarn, but not for the stash. For the most part, I have only bought yarn that I knitted into a project right away. Even my sock yarn is down to the bottom of the bag -- the bag being the size under the largest Zip Lock you can buy - LOL.