Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Crochet - Why Did I Ever Leave You?

Friday, January 27, 2012

As I usually do, I'm already thinking about my next project. I've been spending way too much time on Pinterest and have a few ideas. Surprisingly enough, they are crochet projects. There was a time when all I did was crochet, but that was about 10 years ago now. Once I started knitting more, I never looked back. I found these two projects which would be perfect for my two little nieces http://make-handmade.com/2011/10/02/african-flower-paperweight-granny-free-crochet-patterns/and nephew http://allthingsbrightandbeautifulcrafts.blogspot.com/2012/01/crochet-lego-blanket-tutorial.html. The more I think about how cute they are, the more I am embracing the idea of crochet again. I have to admit, it does move a little faster, and I like doing piecemeal projects where you can knit (or crochet) on the go without having to take the whole thing with you. Also much better for warmer weather work.
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Weekend

Anyway, my initial intention was to have the whole project done and wearable by the New Year's Day since I had a two week vacation from work, but unavoidable circumstances got in the way. The knitting was done in time, but the first chance I got to start the sewing was a few weeks ago. I spent about 4 hours. There is A LOT of sewing on this coat. Finally, I had a chance yesterday to spend most of the day on it. After about 7 hours of sewing and knitting and taking the dogs out, and playing with my puppy Rocco every once in a while, I have all but one of the button bands done. I ran out of yarn and have to now un-hank a skein. I was not in the mood at 9 pm last night. I hope I'll be wearing it to work tomorrow after all that work. It is definitely my big Winter 2011/2012 project.
In the meantime, I started a sweater for little Gianna which is almost done. I love knitting baby sweaters -- minimal sewing -- HA! I'm using the Debbie Bliss Classic Baby Cardigan pattern (mentioned on my Ravelry Project page). I'm using Cascade 220 in Soft Pink. I love this yarn - perfect for baby things. I was thinking about doing a little curly "G" in duplicate stitch on it and maybe a little flower but "Nana" says Gianna's mommy likes things plain. I can get with that :-) Picture soon.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Hexi-unpuff Triplets
When I first started knitting sweaters, my Mom (the Master Knitter) taught me about knitting the sleeves at the same time. I resisted this idea for two reasons, first my Mom suggested it (you know how that goes), and second I thought wrestling with two balls of yarn would be a pain in the neck. Then came top up, two at a time socks. I couldn't believe the difference this made in how fast I can get two socks done plus avoiding the ever popular second sock-itis. Now I do almost everything two at a time where appropriate, and I love it.
Hopefully this will make things move along a little faster. I may get really crazy and try quads, seps or sextuplets.
My friend Carol is about to become a grandmother again, so somewhere in between all this hexipuff-ing, I have to fit in a little baby girl sweater. I have a "go to" Debbie Bliss pattern that I knit for all babies, but I may get a little funky with the colors this time for baby girl to be Gianna. Love that name.
Thursday, January 12, 2012

My mother has a quilt made by my great grandmother that is little hexagons of different fabric orchestrated into beautiful designs. I've always loved that quilt. The idea that my great grandmother, who died when I was a baby so I never knew her, cut and sewed every little hexagon on the quilt has always been amazing to me.
I love to knit socks. I knit a lot of socks. I have lots of left over sock yarn and didn't know what to do with it. This is the perfect project for that reason.
I have made a couple of alterations OTN and in my mind. My guage is a little tighter so my size 4 hexipuff is a little smaller. That's ok -- it gave me an idea to arrange more of a graphic design when sewing them together. I am not going to stuff them with polyfill. While I think it looks great that way, I want to be able to keep this on the guest bed all year. I think it would be too hot for the spring/summer. I have also thought of a different way to sew them together. It may or may not work, but if it does, it will make the quilt reversible.
Thanks to Tiny Owl Knits for the pattern and the inspiration. You can check my Ravelry page - shihtzuma for updates on this project.
Monday, January 9, 2012
A little about me, I am in my mid to late 40's -- more late than mid if I'm being totally honest :-). I am what some would call a career gal. I am co-owner of a small to mid sized national consulting company which I co-founded 10 years ago. My career has enveloped my life for the past 25 years. I did, however, manage to get a complete addiction to knitting started about 10 years ago. Knitting keeps me sane. It's my relaxation. It's my escape from what you might guess is a highly stressful job. Knitting is where my creativity lives.
I do have two boys -- furry boys that is -- they are pictured there on the right. They keep me company and as you might imagine, are quite spoiled :)