Anyway, my initial intention was to have the whole project done and wearable by the New Year's Day since I had a two week vacation from work, but unavoidable circumstances got in the way. The knitting was done in time, but the first chance I got to start the sewing was a few weeks ago. I spent about 4 hours. There is A LOT of sewing on this coat. Finally, I had a chance yesterday to spend most of the day on it. After about 7 hours of sewing and knitting and taking the dogs out, and playing with my puppy Rocco every once in a while, I have all but one of the button bands done. I ran out of yarn and have to now un-hank a skein. I was not in the mood at 9 pm last night. I hope I'll be wearing it to work tomorrow after all that work. It is definitely my big Winter 2011/2012 project.
In the meantime, I started a sweater for little Gianna which is almost done. I love knitting baby sweaters -- minimal sewing -- HA! I'm using the Debbie Bliss Classic Baby Cardigan pattern (mentioned on my Ravelry Project page). I'm using Cascade 220 in Soft Pink. I love this yarn - perfect for baby things. I was thinking about doing a little curly "G" in duplicate stitch on it and maybe a little flower but "Nana" says Gianna's mommy likes things plain. I can get with that :-) Picture soon.
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