Monday, February 13, 2012

Non-Fitted Knitting

It's nice for a change to be working on a non-fitted knitting project. I love the colors in this yarn which is Knit Picks Hand Painted Stroll in County Fair colorway. When I was young, rainbows were a big thing. Everyone had rainbow stickers on their cars. In fact, I remember buying a rainbow sticker and putting it on my first car when I was 18. I loved rainbows so much, I had two different sets of sheets with rainbows on them. The pillow cases made the curve of the rainbow. I thought that was so cool.

I got this stitch from a prayer shawl pattern and made it wide scarf/wrap length. It is a simple 5 row repeat which forms a "V" with yarn overs. It will definitely need to be blocked.

Last night I got up to advance the laundry, and thought I thought I had secured the yarn well, Rocco figured out how to unfold, turn around and open my knitting bag and got to a newly wound cake of this yarn. It was pretty tightly wound, but he managed to pull it all apart in the 5 minutes I was gone from the room -- that little rascal! I spent an hour unraveling and un-knotting his handiwork. About an hour later, I got up to make dinner, moving my knitting to a table he can not reach, I came back to the same yarn all over the room again. I still can't figure out how he got to it that little Houdini. He's so cute when I tell him he was a bad boy, he so excited from just having the thrill of un-doing, he hangs his little head and looks up at me apologetically as if to say, "I know I was bad, and I'll try not to do it again, but you know I can't help myself". Love my little boy.

I'll post another picture when this one is blocked.

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