Monday, January 23, 2012

The Weekend

On my Ravelry project page, I mention an Aran Duffle Coat project as a WIP. The knitting is finished - has been for a few weeks. The sewing and finish knitting such as the button bands was the hold up. I love to knit -- anytime, anywhere, but sewing not so much. I really have to be in the mood which rarely happens or just so sick of looking at all the knitting that I've got to finish it. This sometimes happens in the middle of the night because I can't sleep thinking about it -- a bit OC I know.

Anyway, my initial intention was to have the whole project done and wearable by the New Year's Day since I had a two week vacation from work, but unavoidable circumstances got in the way. The knitting was done in time, but the first chance I got to start the sewing was a few weeks ago. I spent about 4 hours. There is A LOT of sewing on this coat. Finally, I had a chance yesterday to spend most of the day on it. After about 7 hours of sewing and knitting and taking the dogs out, and playing with my puppy Rocco every once in a while, I have all but one of the button bands done. I ran out of yarn and have to now un-hank a skein. I was not in the mood at 9 pm last night. I hope I'll be wearing it to work tomorrow after all that work. It is definitely my big Winter 2011/2012 project.

In the meantime, I started a sweater for little Gianna which is almost done. I love knitting baby sweaters -- minimal sewing -- HA! I'm using the Debbie Bliss Classic Baby Cardigan pattern (mentioned on my Ravelry Project page). I'm using Cascade 220 in Soft Pink. I love this yarn - perfect for baby things. I was thinking about doing a little curly "G" in duplicate stitch on it and maybe a little flower but "Nana" says Gianna's mommy likes things plain. I can get with that :-) Picture soon.

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